Case Report

『傷寒論』 辨病診斷體系에 근거하여 麻黃湯 투여 후 호전된 접촉성피부염 1례

A Case Report of Contact Dermatitis treated by Mahwang-tang based on Shanghanlun Provisions

2016 Vol. 8 No. 1
윤효중1 하현이1 노영범1
경기도 부천시 원미구 상2동 565-6 노영범 부천한의원1
Hyo-Joong Yun1 Hyun-yee Ha1 Yeong-Beom Rho1
Rho-Young-Bum BuCheon Korean medicine clinic, 565-5, Sang2-dong, Wonmi-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea


Objective : The purpose of this paper is to report the improved contact dermatitis(CD) treated with the herbal medication based on Shanghanlun disease pattern identification diagnostic system. The level V steroid ointments were no use to the patient 3weeks before the treatment.

Methods : In this case, the patient was diagnosed according to 'Disease Pattern Identification Diagnostic System based on Shanghanlun Provisions' and took Mahwang-tang for 36days since the final diagnosis was Taeyang-byung, number 46 provision. The photographs of patient's hands were taken to observe the process of the skin status and the discomfort from CD was measured with DLQI(Dermatologic Life Quality Index) and NRS(Numeric Rating Scale).

Results : The DLQI score changed from 24 to 7 and  NRS of itching changed form 8 to under 4.

Conclusions : This case report shows that the herbal medication through the diagnostic system could be a remedy on CD, dealing with the skin status with no use of the level V steroid ointments. It is needed proving an alternative possibility of Korean Medicine, on other skin diseases, with later studies since there are many reports on the side-effects after  some long-term steroid treatments.

KeyWords : contact dermatitis, Mahwang-tang, Shanghanlun, Disease Pattern Identification Diagnostic System based on Shanghanlun Provisions, herbal medicine

