Case Report

『傷寒論』 太陽病 12條 에 근거하여 桂枝湯 투여 후 호전된 産後風 1례

A Case Report of Postpartum Disease Treated with Gyeji-tang Based on No.12 Shanghanlun Provision

2018 Vol. 10 No. 1
정연일1 윤효중2
서울시 동대문구 안암로 120 고려한의원1
전라남도 영광군 보건소2
Yeon-Il Jeong1 Hyo-Joong Yun2
Goryeo korean medicine clinic, 120 Anam-ro, Dongdaemun-gu Seoul, Korea1
Health center of Yeonggwang, Jeollanamdo Province, Republic of Korea2


Objective : The purpose of this paper is to report the improvement of a patient who had a postpartum disease treated with herb medication based on Shanghanlun provisions.

Methods : According to ‘Disease Pattern Identification Diagnostic System based on

Shanghanlun Provisions’, the patient was diagnosed with TaeYang-byung, number 12 provision, and was administered herb medication for 4 months. Visual Analogue Scale(VAS) was used to estimate the patient's status.

Results : The VAS changed 10 to 0. These results suggest that cold pain and weakness in the legs have improved.

Conclusions : The patient had an experience of miscarriage 3 times and finally got a baby but with postpartum disease. She treated with the herb medication for 4 months and the outcome was found effective and economical due to the diagnostic system based on Shanghanlun provisions.

KeyWords : Key words : Gyeji-tang, Postpartum disease, Shanghanlun, Disease Pattern Identification Diagnostic System.

