Case Report

『傷寒論』 辨病診斷體系에 근거하여 少陰病 吳茱萸湯을 투여한 후 호전된 구진성·결절성 여드름 증례 1례

A Case Report of a papule and nodule acne patient Treated with Osuyu-tang Based on Shanghanlun Provisions

2020 Vol. 12 No. 1
최재영1, 이숭인2, 이성준3*


2.동신대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실

Jae-young Choi1, Soong-in Lee2, Sung-jun Lee3*

1.30, Namdaemoonro, Junggu, Seoul, Korea

2.Dept. of Herbal Formula Science, College of Korean Medicine, Dogshin University, Korea

3.46, Apgujeongro, Gangnamgu, Seoul, Korea


Objective: In this study, we aimed to inform people that acne can be improved with Osuyu-tang (OSYT) based on the Shanghanlun disease pattern identification diagnostic system (DPIDS).

Methods: We evaluated the progress of symptoms, patient compliance, and presence of side effects after the patient took OSYT. The progress of acne treatment was evaluated using the Korean Acne Grading System (KAGS), visual findings, and patient statements.

Results: According to the DPIDS, the patient was diagnosed with provision 309 of soyinbing. After administration of OSYTfor 50 days, KAGS decreased from grade 3 to grade 1. Cold hands and feet improved significantly.

Conclusions: Through this case study, we showed the possibility of the clinical interpretation and application of OSYT and suggested further case studies in the future.

Key words: Soyinbing, Osuyu-tang, acne, disease pattern identification diagnostic system based on Shanghanlun provisions (DPIDS), Shanghanlun

