Case Report

防己茯苓湯을 이용한 ADHD환자관리의 1例

A case report of ADHD cared with Banggibokryung-tang

2011 Vol. 3 No. 1
서울시 서초구 서초동 1689-3번지 1층 생생한의원#, 서산시 대산읍 대산보건지소 한방진료실*
Seong-Joon Lee# ․Myeong Jin Kang*
SangSang Oriental medical Clinic,1689-3rd St. Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea#
Daesan Branch of Public Health Center , 91-5st St, Daesan-ri, Daesan-eup, Seosan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea


Objective : The purpose of this study is to present a case of ‘Banggibokryung-tang’ and to analyse the effect of ‘Banggibokryung-tang’ regard to the ADHD.

Method : The patient was treated with herbal medicine and evaluated by Conners Abbreviated Rating Sacle(CARS)

Result : by using herbal medicine, we could make a considerable improvement of ADHD syndrom through CARS.

Conclusions : The result indicated that

1.For the patients with ADHD syndrome, the proper treatment in accordance with their respective symptoms and severities makes it possible for them to recover from ADHD.

2.Herb medicine made of Banggi and Bokryung is efficacious against severe symptoms of ADHD resulting from fatigue.

KeyWords : ADHD, Banggibokryung-tang, CARS



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