Original Article

醫斷의 飜譯에 대한 考察

A Study on translation of Idan

2012 Vol. 4 No. 1
충북 제천시 신월동 세명대학교 한의과대학
Tae-young Kim*ㆍSeok-young KimㆍGu-hyun Kang
College of Oriental Medicine, Semyung Univ, Shinwol-dong, Jechon, Korea


Objective  : to increase understanding of readers of Idan with translating in compliance with andrestraining spoken language

Method : referred to Chinese ancient language grammar and Korean standard language grammar

Results & Conclusions :

1. spaced the original text by adequate syntax

2. corrected typo in typed text under the original text

3. translated in compliance with and restraining spoken language

4. footnoted in reference to fables and phrases

KeyWords : Chinese ancient language, grammar, Korean standard language, fables and phrases, Idan, typo.

