Case Report

『傷寒論』辨病診斷體系에 근거하여 陽明病으로 규정되는 과민성 방광과 류마티스 관절염을 동반한 환자에게 白虎加人參湯을 투여한 증례 1례

A Case Report of Overactive Bladder and Rheumatoid Arthritis treated by Bekhogainsam-tang based on Shanghanlun provisions

2014 Vol. 6 No. 1
전라북도 진안군 마령면 솔안2길 8*
Ju-Young Choi*
8, Soran 2-gil, Maryeong-myeon, Jinan-gun, Jeollabuk-do, Korea*


Objective : This case report aims to show the effect of Bekhogainsam-tang on Overactive Bladder and Rheumatoid arthritis. The patient was diagnosed with Yangmyung-byung based on Shanghanlun provisions.

Methods : According to Diagnostic system based on Shanghanlun provisions, the patient was diagnosed with Yangmyung-byng and has been unusual dietary habits. So she treated with Bekhogainsam-tang decoction for 75 days. We evaluated the results of treatment by Overactive Bladder Symptom Score(OABSS), Modified Overactive Bladder Validated 8-question Screener(OAB-V8), and Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Score(RAPS).

Results : After taking Bekhogainsam-tang decoction for 75 days, the patient's symptoms and OABSS was decreased from 20 to 11, OAB-V8 was from 42 to 20, and RAPS was from 130 to 63.

Conclusions : This case report showed an effectiveness of using Bekhogainsam-tang according to Diagnositic system based on Shanghanlun provisions on Overactive Bladder and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

KeyWords : Overactive Bladder. Rheumatoid Arthritis. Bekhogainsam-tang. Diagnositic system based on Shanghanlun provisions



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