Case Report

『傷寒論』 辨病診斷體系에 근거하여 치료한 陰陽易差後勞復病 증례 4례

4 Case Reports of Eumyangyeokchahunobok-byung treated by Herbal medicine based on Shanghanlun provisions

2016 Vol. 8 No. 1
전라남도 함평군 함평읍 중앙길 54-8 함평군보건소 1층 한방진료실*
서울특별시 강남구 신사동 638-2 반도상가 201호 정인한의원#
Seong-Hwan Cho*, Sung-Jun Lee#
Hampyeong-gun Health Care Center, 54-8, Jungang-gil, Gigak-ri, Hampyeong-gun, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea*
Jung-In Korean Medical Clinic, 638-2, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea#


Objective : This study is to report 4 Eumyangyeokchahunobok-byung cases diagnosed and treated according to newly hypothesized Eumyangyeokchahunobok-byung definition based on Shanghanlun disease pattern identification diagnostic system.

Methods : We analyzed 4 clinical cases diagnosed with Eumyangyeokchahunobok-byung and treated by herbal medicine, which included in Eumyangyeokchahunobok-byung chapter of Shanghanlun according to newly hypothesized definition.

Results :  Dermatology Life Quality Index decreased from 25 to 10 on first patient, dizziness handicap inventory decreased  from 64 to 2 on second patient, dizziness handicap inventory also decreased  from 56 to 2 on third patient, and fatigue severity scale decreased  from 7 to 2 on fourth patient.

Conclusions : Not only all the patients' chief complaints relieved but their other clinical problems such as allergic rhinitis, body pain, constipation, reflux esophagitis also improved. These results highly insist that there is quite a possibility that Eumyangyeokchahunobokbyung means various diseases caused by reversed sleep cycle.

KeyWords : Eumyangyeokchahunobok-byung, Shanghanlun, Disease pattern identification diagnostic system, Moryeotaeksa-san, Jukyeopseokgo-tang, Leejung-tang

