Case Report

黃耆芍藥桂枝苦酒湯으로 치료한 두드러기를 동반한 건선 환자 치험 2례에 대한 고찰

A study on two cases of psoriasis with urticaria treated by ‘Hwanggijakyakgyejigoju-tang’

2009 Vol. 1 No. 1
이 상 윤*
경북 안동시 옥동 991-7번지 송현한의원
Sang-Yoon Lee
Songhyun Oriental Medical Clinic, 991-7th St., Ok-dong, Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea


Objectives : The purpose of this study is to present a expenditure of ‘Hwanggijakyakgyejigoju-tang’ and to analyse the effect of ‘Go-ju’.

Methods : To achieve the purpose of this study, it present the case and considerate the results.

Results : The results indicated that

1.It obtains the effect to administer ‘Hwanggijakyakgyejigoju-tang’ to psoriasis.

2.Go-ju is assumed to decline the temperatue and heal the dyspepsia.

KeyWords : Hwanggijakyakgyejigoju-tang(Huangqishaoyaoguizhikujiu-tang), Go-ju(Ku-jiu), Yakucho



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