Case Report

『傷寒論』12條, 15條에 근거한 桂枝湯의 투여를 통해 호전된 만성 기침 환자 치험 3례

Three cases of chronic cough treated with Gui-Zhi-Tang(桂枝湯) in Shanghanlun 12th, and 15th text

2013 Vol. 5 No. 1
서울 서대문구 창천동 20-26 코비한의원 신촌점*
Su-Jung Kim*
20-26 ChangCheonDong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea*


Objective : This study evaluated the effect of Gui-Zhi-Tang(桂枝湯) on chronic cough.

Methods : Three patients who had a chronic cough were diagnosed by the Shanghanlun(傷寒論) Six meridian patterns diagnostic system (六經診斷體系) and treated with Gui-Zhi-Tang(桂枝湯) based on Shang-han-lun's 12th and 15th text. The treatment lasted more than 4 weeks. The severity of Chronic cough was evaluated by the questionnaire(symptom severity assessment) before and after administration of each treatment term.

Results : After the treatments, the patients' symptoms and results of the questionnaire improved.

Conclusions : This case study showed an effectiveness of using Gui-Zhi-Tang on chronÌc cough.

KeyWords : Shanghanlun(傷寒論), Six meridian patterns diagnostic system (六經診斷體系), Gui-Zhi-Tang(桂枝湯), Chronic cough



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