Case Report

厥陰病 白虎湯으로 진단된 어지럼증 환자 1례

A Case of a Patient with Dizziness Diagnosed with Guorem-byeong Baekho-tang

2018 Vol. 10 No. 1
경기 성남시 수정구 산성대로 207 성남한의원1
Woon-yong Choi1*
207, Sanseong-daero, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea1*


Objective : A Patient complaining of dizziness was diagnosed and treated with the Shanghanlun disease pattern identification diagnostic system and was analyzed to report cases

Methods : Based on the Shanghanlun disease pattern identification diagnostic system, we analyzed a case treated with the Baekho-tang and counseling.

Results : Baekho-tang showed a rapid improvement in the patient. During the period of 20 days, dizziness were greatly improved.

Conclusions : The Baekho-tang, which is not well known yet, can show rapid effect and can be diagnosed frequently through the Shanghanlun disease pattern identification diagnostic system.

KeyWords : Dizziness, Baekho-tang, Shanghanlun provision.

