Case Report

『傷寒論』 辨病診斷體系에 근거하여 치료한 抵當湯 증례 2례

Two Case Reports treated with Jeodang-tang based on Shanghanlun Provisions

2019 Vol. 11 No. 1
조성환1 · 최운용2*
부산광역시 남구 용호로 173 경희서울한의원1
경기도 성남시 수정구 산성대로 207 성남한의원2*
Seonghwan Cho1 · Woonyong Choi 2*
Kyunghee-Seoul Korean Medicine Clinic, 173, Yongho-ro, Nam-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea1
Seongnam Korean Medicine Clinic, 207, Sanseong-daero, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea2


Objective : This study was performed to report two cases diagnosed with the Shanghanlun disease pattern identification diagnostic system (DPIDS) and treated with Jeodang-tang.

Methods : Based on DPIDS, we analyzed two cases treated with Jeodang-tang.

Results : In the first case, the bipolar depression rating scale (BDRS) score improved from 44 to 13. In the second case, the fatigue severity scale (FSS) score improved from 55 to 24.

Conclusions : In Shanghanlun, Jeodang-tang may not only treat pattern/syndrome of blood stasis but also many other diseases.

KeyWords : eodang-tang, Depression, Bipolar disease, Fatigue, A disease pattern identification diagnostic system based on Shanghanlun provisions (DPIDS)

