Objective : The purpose of this study was to analyze the origin of Meretrix.
Method : Bibliographies about Meretrix were examined focusing on the origin. Based on this analysis, the list and characteristics of the origin-mineral were presented.
Results : Based on the Meretrix, the Korean and foreign literature were investigated to make a list, and the process of changing the origin was organized in chronological order. Based on these results, the shape of the currently cultivated or distributed drugs, the status of the distributed drugs and the status of the distributed products were summarized. In addition, the results of summarizing the adverse effects and sensitivities of the efficacy and prestige are as follows: 1. The origin of the Meretrix corresponded to the fall of the mollusks Merethrix metrix L. and Cyclina sinensis Gmelin, which are mollusks belonging to the reference family Veneridae. Their Herbal name is CONCHA CYCLINAE SEU MERETRICIS and they have therapeutic effects on cough, asthma, thirsty and chest heavies. 2. Munhap (文蛤) is a different name of GALLA CHINENSIS. It has therapeutic effects on various skin diseases.
Conclusions : The Meretrix means two herbs. The first one is CONCHA CYCLINAE SEU MERETRICIS, the other is GALLA CHINENSIS. They should be used separately according to their clinical use.
KeyWords : Meretrix. Meretrix meretrix. Cyclina sinensis. Concha meretricis seu cyclinae. Mactra veneriformis. Mactra chinensis. Bibliographic. Veneridae. Mollusca. Shell.