Case Report

『傷寒論』 少陰病 318條로 진단하여 回逆散 투여 후 호전된 뚜렛장애 환자 1례 보고

Tourette Syndrome Treated with Hoeyeoksan Based on Shanghanlun Provisin 318: A Case Report

2020 Vol. 12 No. 1
김창식1# · 정연일2# · 이숭인3*

1.서울 성동구 마장로 230 도선한의원

2.서울 동대문구 안암로 120 고려한의원

3.전남 나주시 동신대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실*
Chang-sig Kim1# · Yeon-Il Jeong2#· Soong-In Lee3*

1.Doseon-oriental medicine clinic 230, Majang-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Korea#

2.Goryeo korean medicine clinic, 120 Anam-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea*

3.Department of Herbal Formula Science, College of Korean Medicine, Dongshin University, Naju, Korea#


Objective : The purpose of this study is to report the improvement in a patient who had Tourette syndrome treated with Hoeyeoksan based on Shanghanlun provisions.

Methods: The symptoms of the patient were checked on days 14, 34, 62, 82, 103, and 119 after administration of Hoeyeoksan. Tourette syndrome was evaluated using Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS), and oversleep and constipation were evaluated using visual analog scale (VAS). In addition, new clinical implications for the interpretation of Shanghanlun provision 318 were reviewed.

Results: Daily tics occurred ten times a day for 14 days after the initial diagnosis but decreased to eight times a day after 34 days, six times a day after 62 days, five times a day after 82 days, twice a day after 103 days, and once a day after 119 days after administration of Hoeyeoksan. Oversleep and constipation improved together with Tourette syndrome.

Conclusions: In this study, we observed that Hoeyeoksan had a therapeutic effect by improving the chief complaint of the patient. Hence, the interpretation of Shanghanlun provision 318 must include a patient's behavioral and sleep patterns as predisposing factors of Tourette syndrome.

Key words : Disease Pattern Identification Diagnostic System, Hoeyeoksan (回逆散), Huini-san, Shanghanlun, disease, Tourette syndrome

