Case Report

『傷寒論』 辨病診斷體系에 근거하여 투약 후, 정상 범주로 회복한 자폐스펙트럼장애 1례

A Case Report of Autism Spectrum Disorder improved to normal range after administration based on Shanghanlun provisions

2020 Vol. 12 No. 1
김민환*. 이성준#

1.경기도 안양시 동안구 시민대로 202 4층 알면한의원*

2.서울 강남구 압구정로46길 5-6 로데오스타 A동 4층 정인 한의원#
Min-hwan Kim* , Sung-jun Lee#

1.Alimmune Korean Medical Clinic, 202, Simin-daero, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea*

2.Jung-In Korean Medical Clinic, 5-6, Apgujeong-ro 46-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea#


Objective: The purpose of this study was to report improvement in patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) treated with herbal medication described in Shanghanlun.

Methods: The patient was diagnosed with Lesser Yin disease based on the 315th provision of Shanghanlun, and Baektonggajeodamjup-tang was used for treatment. The result was evaluated using the Korean-Childhood Autism Rating Scale (K-CARS).

Results: The K-CARS score decreased from 32 to 15 after 7 months of treatment.

Conclusions: Lesser Yin disease 315th provision of Shanghanlun may be a provision describing ASD; in addition, Baektonggajeodamjup-tang may be an effective treatment for ASD.

Keywords: Shanghanlun, Soyinbing, Baektonggajeodamjup-tang, Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), disease pattern identification diagnostic system based on Shanghanlun provisions (DPIDS), Herbal medicine

