Case Report

만성 알콜성 간질환을 梔子厚朴湯으로 치료한 1례에 대한 임상보고

A clinical report of chronic alcoholic Liver disease treated by Zhizihoupo Tang

2011 Vol. 3 No. 1
경기도 안양시 동안구 관양동 1422-11 할아버지한의원#,
강원도 강릉시 내곡동 413 강릉시 보건소 한방진료실
Euy Joon Rho#․Jong Ho Lee*
Halabergy Oriental Medical Clinic, 1422-11st, Kwan-Yang Dong, Dong-An Gu, An-Yang, Kyeongki-do, Korea.
Oriental Medic Examination Room, Gangneung Health Center, 413st, Ne-Gok Dong, Gang-Neung, Kangwon-do, Korea


Objective : This research is to prove the effectiveness of Zhizihoupo Tang(梔子厚朴湯) in curing chronic alcoholic liver disease

Method : to achieve the goal of this research, we gave Zhizihoupo Tang(梔子厚朴湯) to the selected patients and observed the progress

Results : the results indicate the followings

1. After the treatment with Zhizihoupo Tang(梔子厚朴湯) , the symptoms of chronic alcoholic liver disease was significantly improved.

2. Fructus Gardeniae have positive medical effects on chronic alcoholic liver disease.

Conclusions : Yellow discoloration have a medical relationship with the symptoms of chronic alcoholic liver disease.

KeyWords : Zhizihoupo Tang, Yakucho, chronic alcholic liver disease, Yellow discoloration.



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