Original Article

厚朴의 감별법과 Magnolia함량에 대한 연구

Study about the differentiation of Artemisiae capillaris Herba and Magnolia content in Artemisiae capillaris Herba

2011 Vol. 3 No. 1
정 종 길#*
동신대학교 한의과대학 본초학교실
Jong-Gil Jeong#*
Department of Herbology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Shin University


Objective : The purpose of this study is to contribute the right use of 厚朴(Magnolia officinalis Rehd et Wils) by researching for differentiation about 厚朴(Magnolia officinalis Rehd et Wils) and defining much easier and more convenient way of differentiation.

Method : 厚朴(Magnolia officinalis Rehd et Wils) differentiation through macroscopic way, microscopic way, and component analysis

Result :

1. Largely 木蘭科(Magnoliaceae) 厚朴(Magnolia officinalis), 大葉木蘭(Magnolia rostrata W. W, Smith), 和厚朴(Magnolia ovobata Thunberg)and Lauraceae 紅楠(Machilus thunbergu S et Z) are circulating the market.

2. On a morphological approach, 大葉木蘭(Magnolia rostrata W. W, Smith) which has a thick bark is the easiest one to differentiate, 紅楠(Machilus thunbergu S et Z) which has a thin bark and brown to light brown color is the next easiest one. 厚朴(Magnolia officinalis) and 和厚朴(Magnolia ovobata Thunberg) is slightly hard to distinguish.

3. The content of Magnolol was found the most in 厚朴根皮

4. There are more than one principal ingredients in 大葉木蘭(Magnolia rostrata W. W, Smith) except for magnolol and honokiol.

Conclusions : Magnolol is inappropriate as the index material of 厚朴(Magnolia officinalis Rehd et Wils) because the amount of magnolo and honokiol is higher at 和厚朴(Magnolia ovobata Thunberg) and 大葉木蘭(Magnolia rostrata W. W, Smith) which can be substitutes of 厚朴(Magnolia officinalis Rehd et Wils) than at 厚朴(Magnolia officinalis) and pharmacological aspect of magnolo is hard to match with distinct effect of 厚朴(Magnolia officinalis Rehd et Wils)

KeyWords : Magnolia officinalis Rehd et Wils., Magnolia ovobata Thunberg, Magnolia rostrata W. W, Smith , Machilus thunbergu S et Z, magnolol, honokiol



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