Case Report

黃耆제 투여로 득효한 아토피피부염 환자 1례 보고

A Clinical Report of Atopic Dermatitis

2012 Vol. 4 No. 1
전상규1# ․이남정2* ․공준호3
경기 군포시 산본2동 1061-1 사암아침한의원1
충청남도 연기군 조치원보건소2,
강원도 영월군 북면마차2리 보건지소3
Sang-Kyu Jeon1#․ Nam-Jung Lee2*․J oon-Ho Kong3
Saam-achim Acupunture & Herbal Clinical, 1061-1st, Sanbon-dong, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea1
Jochiwon Health center, 129-1, Kyo-Li, Jochiwon-eup, Yeongi-gun, Chungchungnamdo, Korea2
Macha 2-Li Health center, Buk-myeon, Youngwal-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea3


Objective  : We  considered Astragali Radix(黃耆)  can  be  used  to  cure  serious  atopic  dermatitis.  so we treated this patient with prescriptions contained Astragali Radix(黃耆). By this case, we got effective results and report this case and index of choice Astragali Radix(黃耆)

Method : After  treatment with prescription contained Astragali Radix(黃耆), we observe  the changes and analyze results.

Results :

Atopic dermatitis can be cured with Astragali Radix's efficiency on Sanghanron(傷寒論)
We considered Astragali Radix(黃耆) can be used when Chronic damage to the nasal  mucosa is appeared by rhinoscopy and Sneezing, runny nose that lasts all year round is shown

Conclusion : Gaeji-Ka-Hwangki-Tang(桂枝加黃耆湯) has most effect on  this case. So, We need to study combination Astragali Radix(黃耆) with Glycyrrhizae Radix(甘草)and  the efficacy of herbs belonged to leguminosae

KeyWords : Astragali Radix, Atopic dermatitis



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