Case Report

흉선암 수술 후 악화된 호흡곤란을 茯苓杏仁甘草湯으로 치료한 증례보고 1례

A Clinical Report of Worsened Dyspnea after Medical Treatment for Thymic Cancer by FulingXingrenGancao-Tang(茯苓杏仁甘草湯)

2012 Vol. 4 No. 1
황 현 택*
서울시 강동구 암사1동 501-3 암사경희한의원*
Hyun-taek, Hwang*
Amsakyunghee korean medicine clinic, 501-3st, Amsa-dong, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Korea


Objective  : This  study  is  intended  to  demonstrate  the  effect  of  FulingXingrenGancao-Tang(茯苓杏仁甘草湯)  on  worsened  dyspnea  after  medical  treatment  for  thymic  cancer.

Method  : We diagnosed  this  case  as  XiongbiXintongDuanqi(胸痺心痛短氣病)  in  Jinguiyaolue(金匱要略)  and  treated  this  patient  with  FulingXingrenGancao-Tang(茯苓杏仁甘草湯).

Results : By using ZhishiXiebaiGuizhi-Tang(枳實薤白桂枝湯),  LingGuiWeiGan-Tang(苓桂味甘湯),  Fuling XingrenGancao-Tang(茯苓杏仁甘草湯),  the  patient's  symptoms  were  significantly  decreased.

Conclusion : This study shows that FulingXingrenGancao-Tang(茯苓杏仁甘草湯)  is  effective  on  dyspnea after medical treatment of thymic cancer. However further clinical studies are needed.

KeyWords : thymic cancer, dyspnea, FulingXingrenGancao-Tang(茯苓杏仁甘草湯), Siongbi(胸痺), Jinguiyaolue (金匱要略)

