Case Report

五苓散으로 호전된 일차성 불면증 1례 임상 보고

A Case Report of Primary Insomnia treated by Oryeong-san decoction

2015 Vol. 7 No. 1
경기도 고양시 일산동구 장항동 731-2번지 새명요양병원 3층 한방과*
Jae Kyung Park*
731-2, Janghang 2-dong, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea*


Objective : This case report aims to demonstrate the effect of Oryeong-san on Insomnia.

Methods : A 26 year old woman suffered from insomnia with mental and physical exhaustion, reduced stamina, lack of concentration in daytime. According to Diagnostic system based on Shanghanlun provisions, the patient was diagnosed with Taeyang-byung and treated by Oryeong-san decoction. The result of administration was evaluated by Insomnia Severity Index.

Results : After administration of Oryeong-san decoction for 1 month, Insomnia Severity Index was decreased from 24(clinical insomnia, severe) to 1(no clinically significant insomnia).

Conclusions : The patient completely recovered from insomnia and daytime symptoms as treated by Oryeong-san decoction according to Diagnostic system based on Shanghanlun provisions.

KeyWords : Primary insomnia, Oryeong-san(五苓散), Diagnostic system based on Shang- hanlun provisions, Taeyang-byung(大陽病)

