Case Report

小承氣湯으로 호전된 기분 장애 환자 1례

A Case Report of Mood Disorder treated by Soseungki-tang

2014 Vol. 6 No. 1
광주광역시 광산구 신창동 1215-1 신창생한의원*
서울시 성북구 석관동 408-1 돌곶이한의원#
Joon-Hong Min*․Hyeon-Taek Lim#
Sinchang Saeng Korean medical clinic, 1215-1 Sinchang-dong, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, Korea*
Dolgoji Korean medical clinic, 408-1 Seokgwan-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea#


Objective : This case report evaluated the effect of Soseungki-tang(小承氣湯) on mood disorder.

Methods : A patient of mood disorder was treated with Soseungki-tang(小承氣湯) in accordance with Shanghanlun(傷寒論) six meridian patterns diagnostic system.

Results : After a series of Soseungki-tang treatment, the symptoms of mood disorder patient improved.

Conclusions : According to Shanghanlun(傷寒論) six meridian patterns diagnostic system, this case study shows that Soseungki-tang is effective on mood disorder. However further clinical studies in depth are needed.

KeyWords : Mood disorder, Soseungki-tang(小承氣湯), Shanghanlun(傷寒論), Six meridian patterns diagnostic system

