Original Article

吉益東洞이 사용한 人蔘 考察을 통한 傷寒論 處方에서 人蔘의 運用에 대한 小考

A Study on the Application of Ginseng in the Prescriptions of in Consideration of Todo Yoshimasu's Usage

2009 Vol. 1 No. 1
경희대학교 의사학교실
Jong-oh Kim․Jun-ho Oh
Department of Medical history, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University


Objective : The purpose of this study is to analyse the origin plants and the characteristics of ginseng in Yakucho(藥徵) and shanghanlun(傷寒論).

Method : To achieve the purpose of this study, bibliographies about ginseng were examined.

Results : 1. Ginseng used by Todo Yoshimasu(吉益東洞) in 18th century Japan was Goshuginseng(御種人蔘) which is Panax Ginseng such as Korea Ginseng. This one is bitter and effective in epigastric distress and hardness.

2. The purpose of ginseng in Shanghanlun compared with other medical books shows a big difference. Contemporarily, Ginseng is used to improve general vitality, strengthen spleen and stomach, and promote production of the body fluid. On the other hand, ginseng was taken to cure the epigastric distress and hardness in Shanghanlun.

3. When using the prescriptions in Shanghanlun, the purpose of ginseng is curing the epigastric distress and hardness. Hence, we must find which ginseng used in Korea, China and Japan is effective to cure the epigastric distress and hardness

Conclusions : When using the prescriptions in Shanghanlun, the purpose of ginseng is curing the epigastric distress and hardness.

KeyWords : ginseng , Yakucho(藥徵), Todo Yoshimasu(吉益東洞), Shanghanlun(傷寒論)

