Case Series

『傷寒論』 陽明病 小承氣湯으로 진단된 과민 대장 증후군 환자 1례

A case of a patient with irritable bowel syndrome diagnosed with Shanghanlun Yangmingbing Soseunggi-tang

2022 Vol. 14 No. 1
최재영1, 이숭인2, 이미현3, 이성준4

  1. 남대문세화한의원 원장

  2. 동신대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실 부교수

  3. 동신대학교 MRC 센터장

  4. 서울 중구 세종대로 14 그랜드센트럴 B02 올라한의원 원장

Jae-young Choi1, Soong-in Lee2, Mee-hyun Lee3, Sung-jun Lee4*

  1. 30, Namdaemoonro, Joonggu, Seoul, Korea.

  2. 58245, Dept. of Herbal Formula Science, College of Korean Medicine, Dogshin University, Naju-si, Jeonnam, Korea.

  3. 58245, Medical Research Center, Dogshin University, Naju-si, Jeonnam, Korea.

  4. Olla Korean Medical Clinic, GRAND CENTRAL, 14, Sejong-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea


Objective : This study reports on the case of a patient with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) diagnosed by the Shanghanlun disease pattern identification diagnostic system (DPIDS). We tried to verify the therapeutic effects of Soseunggi-tang (SSGT) administration and pathological character.

Methods : The patient was administered SSGT for 31 days. We observed the progression of symptoms, patient compliance, and the presence of side effects. The progression of IBS was evaluated based the on Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS). Abdominal pain, flatus, visual findings, and patient statements were also assessed.

Results : According to the DPIDS, the patient was diagnosed with Yangmingbing (陽明病). As a result, his GSRS score dropped from 15 to 5, the visual analog scale (VAS) score for abdominal pain lowered from 9 to 4, and the VAS score for flatus decreased from 8 to 4. The stool type changed from diarrhea to a loose stool form.

Conclusions : SSGT showed therapeutic effects on the patient diagnosed with IBS and Yangmingbing.

Key words : Yangmingbing (陽明病), Shanghanlun disease pattern identification diagnostic system, Soseunggi-tang, Irritable bowel syndrome, Gastrointestinal symptom rating scale

