Case Report

『傷寒論』 辨病診斷體系에 근거하여 대황황련사심탕(大黃黃連瀉心湯) 투여 후 혈압이 안정된 고혈압 증례 보고

Efficacy of Daehuanghuanglianxiexin-tang in stabilization of hypertension patient’s blood pressure

2018 Vol. 10 No. 1
최재영1 이숭인2 이성준3*
서울시 중구 남창동 1-1, 4층 411호 세화한의원1
동신대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실2
서울 강남구 압구정로 306 정인한의원3*
Choi Jae-Young1, Lee Soong-in2, Lee Sung-Jun3*
Sehwa Korean medical clinic, 411ho 4th floor, 1-1 namchangdong junggu Seoul, Korea1
Department of Herbal Formula Science, College of Korean Medicine, Dongshin University 2
Jung-In Korean medical clinic, 306 Apgujeongro gangnamgu Seoul Korea3*


Objective : The purpose of this study is to review a case of hypertension. The patient was 41 years, a male. We stabilized blood pressure after administration of Daehuanghuanglianxie-xin-tang. In this paper, we review the interpretation of Shanghanlun by analyzing the patient’s progress, diagnosis, treatment.

Methods : Blood pressure changes have been monitored during the period. Additionally, We have observed the patients’ compliance and accompanied symptom by the timeline analysis.

Results : According to Shanghanlun disease pattern identification diagnostic system, Wediagnosed a Greater yang disease. The patient was treated with Daehuanghuanglianxiexin-tang for 2 months. Daehuanghuanglianxiexin-tang was able to control blood pressure to under 120mmhg / 80mmhg. During the treatment period, the accompanied symptom Stiffness and pain in posterior neck has improved, patient’s compliance was good, and symptoms improved without significant complication

Conclusions : Taking of the Daehuanghuanglianxiexin-tang makes patient’s blood pressure controlled to safe and stable range and eases the discomfort of posterior neck pain

KeyWords : Daehuanghuanglianxiexin-tang, hypertensions, Shanghanlun disease pattern identification diagnostic system.

